'Corpse' explores the extreme forces surrounding the remnants of a dead star. In 1967, Jocelyn Bell at the Interplanetary Scintillation Array just outside Cambridge, UK, discovered a consistent radio pulse coming from the cosmos. Pulsing at every 1 1/3 second and dubbed 'little green men 1', the source was later identified to be a rapidly rotating neutron star, known as a 'Pulsar'. Transferring these radio pulses into sound from modern recordings of neutron stars produces a huge variety of sounds from consistent clicking to some that could be compared to heavy drumming sounds.
'Corpse' offers the viewer an impossible viewpoint and visualises the source of these transmissions up close. Born in violent death, neutron stars are the remains of the collapsed core of a supergiant star. If two neutron stars become attracted by their enormous gravitational pull and collide with each other, they can fuse together new atomic elements. Evidence from recent years points to most atomic nuclei within the periodic table being created during these collisions between neutron stars. So not only did the original star end its life fusing heavy elements, but the remains of that dead star also died colliding with another of its kind to fuse new elements. All of this has led to the creation of our sun, planet and most importantly, you.
Corpse I
Digital print & Sound.
Corpse II
Digital print & Sound.
Corpse III
Digital print & Sound.
Corpse IV
Digital print & Sound.
Cold Star I
Giclee Print on Paper.
Cold Star II
Giclee Print on Paper.